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Gin O’Clock at Sankey’s


Seafood Restaurant in Kent Offers Delicious G&T Pairings

Whilst we might be taking a break from this month’s Gin & Jazz Festival on the Pantiles (remind yourself of what we got up to last year), we’re here to wet your whistle by serving up some delicious pairings to go with a G&T. Our cuisine of choice couldn’t be better either, as most would agree seafood is the perfect accompaniment to the classic tipple – regardless of what botanicals go into your favourite:


Smoked Salmon

Enjoy the floral or herbal notes of your G&T with smoked salmon at both the Seafood Kitchen & Bar and Old Fishmarket alongside crème fraiche, dill, and pickled vegetables. It doesn’t just go wonderfully with the flavours on show, but this tipple also serves as a great palate cleanser for the next course.


If there’s any shellfish that springs to mind when you think of Sankey’s, it’s probably going to be oysters. Their salty and briny flavour offers a great pairing to the strength of most spirits, but if you top things off with a fresh squeeze of lemon, you’ll be in for a right treat when sipping on one of our many gins behind the bar.

Garlic & Chilli Crevettes

Another outstanding starter of ours, this small dish is the one. Best served ice-cold, allow your drink to counter the subtle spice of chilli all while those floral qualities ofthe botanicals shine through as well. Even ignoring the magical flavours, what’s a better sign that summer’s on its way than some fresh prawns enjoyed with a G&T in hand?

Fish& Chips

Although not quite as delicate as the rest of the options we’ve suggested, nothing beats treating yourself to a well-earned tipple on a Fish and Chips Friday. Let the light notes of your gin contrast nicely with a rich batter and take things to the next level (if you’re dining at home that is) with a side of garlic aioli.


Remember these are just a few timely suggestions though, because with a wine list and line-up of beers as extensive as ours, it’s always going to be a struggle deciding on what form of liquid refreshment to go with when you next visit Sankey’s.

Menu at fresh seafood restaurant in Kent
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