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A Special Sankey's Summer


The Summer at Fresh Seafood Restaurant Tunbridge Wells

We’re just a week away from the arrival of Autumn, and while cooler days and earlier nights may be ahead of us, we’re instead choosing to reflect on what an awesome Summer it’s been for all of us here at Sankey’s.

It goes without saying that the past 18 months were difficult for us and the millions of others who ply their trade in the hospitality industry, so to be honest we were simply looking forward to being in our element at the sites we call home – albeit with our fingers crossed for a bit of sunshine too.

As restrictions eased though and mass gatherings once again became a possibility, we grabbed the bull by the horns, or crawfish by the antennae, and got ourselves stuck in as best we could with a number of local events.

Talk about throwing yourself in at the deep end, things started with arguably the biggest show of the lot – Pub in the Park. Over three days in mid-July we took our Po’Boys, Billy the Squid, Vegan Fish & Chips, and our special For Cods Sake, Eat Hake dish on a trip to Dunorlan Park where we offered up stiff competition to some truly great chefs. Atul Kochhar, we’re looking at you.

We’d be here for ages if we went through everything we filleted, fried, and panko’d over that memorable weekend, but fortunately for you (and us) you can find all that information in our review of the event by heading to -

With the big one out of the way it was time for us to make our way to The Pantiles, but not for any normal day at the Old Fishmarket. Despite its name, the Gin and Jazz Festival at the end of July encapsulated what we’re all about here at Sankey’s; serving up cracking seafood, thirst-quenching drinks, and enjoying good times with the people of Tunbridge Wells.  

Starting as we meant to go on then, it only made sense for us to not just return to the heart of the town for The Pantiles Food Festival, but sponsor it as well! In fact it’s safe to say we put our money where our mouth is by setting up THREE stalls serving up Po’Boys, our classic seafood paella and oysters to enjoy with the exquisite range of sparkling wines from Squerryes.

Plus, obviously inspired by seeing Craig David and James Blunt up on stage a few weeks prior, our very own Matthew stepped onto the bandstand to deliver a live demonstration showing off some of the wonderful fish and sea creatures the Sankey’s team has been cooking recently.

Finally, after sponsoring the amazing event that is Local and Live over at Calverley Grounds, we topped things off with an appearance at last weekend’s Harvest Food Festival back on the Pantiles. Barbecued prawns were our tasty addition this time round, but not forgetting a few oysters and our paella to see the summer off in style.

The past few months have certainly been a time to remember, and it’s been truly liberating to get back to a sense of normality – whatever that means anyway! Keep your eyes peeled for any upcoming events, but for now you’ll find us back in familiar territory at the Old Fishmarket and up on Mount Ephraim.

Menu at fresh seafood restaurant in Kent
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